This Nepali girl for example, the picture appeared to be snapshot and indeed it is, but then I don't just try to snap a few pictures and go away, in stead, I start a small conversation - quite limited if you realize that I don't speak Nepali except "Namaste" - embassassingly limited but it is a start. And certainly this little girl, perhaps knows a few words in English - very limited, but here you go, you are starting to make a conversation.
And do your subject has to look at the camera, yes and no, there is no rule here, but why not both?
So are these considered snapshot? or directed shot? May be both. But htis is certainly not staged shot, where you hire a girl talent to act, it is a business but not photography.
And this Nepali gentleman, his hair interests me, so I started the topic around his hair, and took the shot when he is very relxed. These all shot with Canon 1Ds III with EF 85/1.2L.
And sometimes you can't really direct your subject, especially when it is a group, then you wait, wait for the right moment to happen. And because of this, your subject will have less suspecious on you, or tired of paying attention to you, and so you can be isolated from the happening and get the picture. Few example here all taken at almost the same spot, all happened in approx. 15 minutes. All taken with Canon 5D II, with EF 35/1.4L.
And this is my shot of the day, made also with the Canon 5DII attched with EF 35/1.4L. I like this image for many reaosns. First, there is a boy on the far left of the picture, he was looking at directly to the camera while everyone else turned their head toward the monkey. Because of the boy is obviouly looking at the camera - or the photographer behind the lens, the look include the photographer in the picture, rather than an isolated onject, like simply a camera mounted on something and fired by a mechnism. The look at camera to me, does not make the picture un-nature, it put me in the picture too. Then, out of luck, while the little girl turn her head to the monkey, with a smile, and her hair flying in the air while a sudden breeze came to blow her skirt, this all happened in the instant, that made it the picture of the day, to me.
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