July 12, 2010

Sunny 16 and Manual Mode

One of the most important feature I evalue a camera is whether it allows to shoot RAW file, and if it allows full manual opeation, because this is how I shoot.  I have briefly mentioned "Sunny 16" on my last post, and will cover more here. Panasonic GF-1 is such camera that provides RAW capture, I can use my trusted Capture One Pro to develop it, and usually my GF-1 is set to almost permanent M mode.
The importance of shooting raw is the tricky white balance issue which I rather to refine it in my raw developing process, also, the raw development gives me a better control on the right sharpness, contrast, and the balance between shadow and highlight area. With all these available adjustment there, I can then more focus on getting the exact composition I need because I typically don't crop my images - something I tried to avoid, although it is perfctly fine and acceptable for me to crop an image, I do sometimes, I don't do it often just because it is persoal preference.
An important reason I prefer the M "manual" mode is because I rely on my own preference of exposure very much, something I nicknamed it "TTE".  So what is TTE?  The who familiar with modern SLR/DSLR perhaps all know TTL refers to Through The Lens, an exposure system pioneered and first seen on Topcon RE Super, first exhibited at Photokina in 1962. Alpa 9D soon followed, then the Pentax Spotmatic and then virtually everyone else.  And "TTE"?  Quite simple - it is referring Through The Eyes. And the central of my TTE system is very much base on Sunny 16. Then, depends on how the actual weather, one can adjust the exposure value accordingly, and all these, is base on how one sees the object. This is to say, if there is shodow, let it be shadow; if there is highlight, let it be highlight.  No metering system is better than hyman eyes.
Several images here all with the Panasonic GF-1 + 20/1.7 lens, all shoot at M mode. The banana vendor, the shoes vendor, the drugged teenager, the Nepali boy........
Finally I arrived the small street where my hotel is locatd, time for me to releif from the heavy backpack, and time for breakfast. I will have 2 hours rest, before moving to my next photographic spot - the Durbar Square. 

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